The United Nations Human Rights Council has been asked to adopt a resolution to extend its support for human rights reform and monitoring in Sudan during its 48th regular session,...
Read moreDetailsHuman rights defenders and civil society groups have expressed concern at increasing government restrictions on civic space in eastern Africa, especially during election seasons. Several speakers at the launching of...
Read moreDetailsSeveral experts have joined the growing number of groups urging the United Nations Human Rights Council to act on the atrocities and human rights violations that have been reported in...
Read moreDetailsTwo human rights organisations have asked the government of Bangladesh to ensure accountability and justice for victims of torture, enforced disappearance, and extrajudicial killings. The World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)...
Read moreDetailsThe Boko Haram insurgency, with its spillover into Cameroon, Chad and Niger, is the most reported-upon security crisis in Nigeria. However the conflict between farmers and herders in Nigeria was...
Read moreDetailsThe South Sudanese Government and several opposition groups have come to a peace agreement brokered by Roman Catholic group Sant’ Egidio. In the declaration, the warring parties promised to enact...
Read moreDetailsBy WANJA THUKU A furtive card game was in progress beneath the huddled luminous green and orange jackets at the side of the intersection of Mombasa Road and the dirt...
Read moreDetailsGENEVA, 15 June 2017 – “We were struck in our investigations by the feeling of deep and widespread fear running through the testimonies we gathered,” said Fatsah Ouguergouz, Reine Alapini...
Read moreDetailsBy Kwamchetsi Makokha and Susan Kendi Expert testimony at the International Criminal Court has laid bare the genesis of Uganda’s violent history that gave rise to the Lord’s Resistance Army,...
Read moreDetailsStatement of ICC Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, before the United Nations Security Council on the Situation in Darfur, pursuant to UNSCR 1593 (2005) Thank you for the opportunity to present my...
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