The International Criminal Court Prosecutor’s Office released its annual report on Thursday. The report provides an overview of her Office’s preliminary examination activities conducted between 1 November 2014 and 31 October 2015 in relation to nine situations that were under consideration for possible investigation.
During the reporting period, the Office of the Prosecutor (“OTP” or “Office”) completed two preliminary examinations – specifically, those in relation to the situations in Honduras and Georgia. Subject to authorisation from the Pre-Trial Chamber seized, the situation in Georgia will proceed to investigation.
Seven situations remain under on-going examination (Afghanistan, Colombia, Guinea, Iraq/UK, Palestine, Nigeria and Ukraine). Of these, during the reporting period, one new preliminary examination was opened (Palestine), and another was extended to include alleged crimes previously falling outside the Court’s jurisdiction following.
The report aims to promote public awareness and transparency regarding the Office’s preliminary examination process and related activities.